Sunday, April 10, 2011

Current Issues

I think that the largest issue in sociology facing the world today is inequality and stratification. In our age of supposed enlightenment and progress, more people go without then ever before in the history of the world. There are many correlated issues I will also point out. As any person who has had a course in Sociology has seen, the widening gap between the haves and have-nots is expanding rapidly. That so much wealth can be hoarded by such a small percentage of the world's population is sad and disgusting. The way I see it, the world has two options. The first is to willingly begin to redistribute the wealth and income in the world. Much could be done simply by opening up trade, without barriers to entry or subsidies of domestic products which push out smaller foreign producers. Another step towards promoting equality is that the world needs to remove oppressive leaders. America and others are hesitant to do this due to the benefit we often reap by having these dictators in office. First world countries need to invest in third world countries. I do not mean simply throwing money away, but helping them establish an industry in which they and the world will benefit. The other option if we do not do it willingly is revolution. Time and time again throughout history, when the have-nots have had enough, they revolt. We can hope that any revolution may be peaceful, but reality says otherwise. Perhaps if our leaders feared the guillotine or mobs, they would be more prepared to enact change.

In my view many of the other major issues in sociology stem from the major issue. Although women in some parts of the world have much more freedom than before, others are still oppressed and viewed as inferior. Much needs to be done to establish protection for women, especially in the Arab and African nations. Racism, although many pretend that it is gone, is still very much alive. Even in America, where we all act like no one is racist, there is still a wide opportunity gap between whites and all other races. Perhaps when Hispanics outnumber the whites in America, they will be more willing to accept equality! Although many issues face the world and need to be addressed, none is so drastic as the inequality and stratification and its ramifications.

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