With Friends Like These, Who Needs Glenn Beck? Racism and White Privilege on the Liberal-Left
When I have talked to students in my high school classes, they argue that race is a real category. Many believe that it is genetic or scientifically defined. I try to make them realize that it is a social construct that is highly inaccurate and leads to discrimination. An excellent website I found that can help build lessons that reveal the flaws of race and the dangers of racism is:
I also sometimes show Michael Moore's "Brief History of the United States" cartoon from his documentary "Bowling for Columbine." It shows very well the history of racism and gun rights. It is shocking and I like to have them write a reaction to it. It can be found below:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zEVPSfJIQ84" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
LAstly, a great site that lays out the issues of racism in the world today and how to fight it is the UN's World Conference Against Racism:
2. An oversimplified set of beliefs about members of a social group or social stratum.
4. A social category of people who share a common culture.
7. The perception and treatment of a racial or ethnic group or member of that group, as intellectually, socially, and culturally inferior to one's own group.
9. The droup that assigns a racial or ethnic group to subordinate status.
10. A process whereby some social category takes on what societ percieves to be racial charecteristics.
1. Overt negative and unequal treatment of the members of some social group or stratum solely because of their membership in that group or stratum.
3. The belief that one's group is superior to all toher groups.
5. A group treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics, some of which are biological, that have been assigned social importance.
6. The evaluation of a social group and the individuals within based on conceptions about the group held despite facts that disprove them.
8. Any distinct group in society that shares common group characteristics and is forced to occupy low status in society because of prejudice and discrimination.